The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is required to develop groundwater monitoring criteria in consultation with CalGem and other stakeholders that outline the approach to implement monitoring and regional scale groundwater monitoring during well stimulation activity.
Currently, the SWRCB staff has established a tentative schedule to adopt criteria:
SWRCB staff has selected Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) as their technical expert to provide input to staff via a report with recommendations for draft criteria. LLNL is expected to submit their well by well criteria report to SWRCB staff in late February / early March.
Model criteria will include:
- Operator-required groundwater monitoring near wells subject to well stimulation
- Regional-scale monitoring to be implemented by State Water Resources Control Board
- Methods for monitoring
- Chemical analyses
- Frequency and duration of monitoring
- Areas to monitor
The criteria will need to reflect sound science practices for well installation and monitoring in order to ensure groundwater beneficial uses are protected with minimal impacts to the natural topography. This approach will maintain excellent protection for California’s groundwater and streamline well stimulation activity.
WSPA and its members will continue to engage in the ongoing public stakeholder process.