WSPA Statement on Select Committee on Gasoline Supply and Pricing Hearing

WSPA President and CEO Catherine Reheis-Boyd has issued the following statement in response to today’s California State Assembly Select Committee On Gasoline Supply And Pricing hearing.

“Californians are unquestionably facing unprecedented economic and affordability challenges in every facet of their daily lives, including higher grocery, energy, and housing costs.  These are extraordinary times and we should be doing all we can to give California families relief. But to point fingers in our industry’s direction is misguided. Over the years, our industry has undergone several reviews by multiple Attorneys General and none of them resulted in any allegations of wrongdoing. Today’s hearing of the Select Committee on Gasoline Supply and Pricing confirmed California policies impact California price. Some of these policies include state and local taxes, climate policies, and cleaner burning fuel requirements – all of which are felt by consumers at the pump. We encourage the Governor and the Legislature to focus on common sense policies that encourage competition, remove barriers, and allow Californians to have access to affordable and reliable energy for their everyday needs. We look forward to participating in future Select Committee hearings to discuss the current and pending policies that have a direct impact on California families and businesses.”

Related: Read letter from WSPA President and CEO to Assembly Speaker, Honorable Anthony Rendon on what’s really driving up costs for Claifornians


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