What a year 2022 has been. On one hand, it has been incredibly hopeful to see our society re-emerge from the pandemic-induced challenges of the last two years. And it has been invigorating to see the innovation and technological advances from our member companies so they can continue providing reliable energy to our communities. But at the same time, we are being faced with energy proposals, especially here in California, that fail to take into account the ongoing need for safe, affordable and reliable energy produced here in the state.
As economies continued to open and people returned to work and travel over the past year, we witnessed the critical role oil and gas played in making everything possible. Unfortunately, we also saw policymakers push policies that will hamper our state’s ability to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19. We have seen policymakers plead for more production in one statement and push for policies that hamstring our ability to produce oil and gas in the next.
We also witnessed our industry come together like never before in support of legislative action, and continued to offer our industry expertise to help craft climate policy at national, state and local levels. Even when our opponents seem set on denying us a meaningful voice in these discussions, rest assured that the voices of the women and men of this industry will be heard.
Through highs and lows, one thing never wavers. And that is the immense amount of pride our organization has for the work the women and men of the oil and gas industry do every day to keep communities moving and economies powered. We will remain fierce defenders of our industry employees and continue to fight for the future you all deserve.
I’ve never been prouder of the efforts I’ve seen in terms of both business and advocacy from our members companies, industry employees, WPSA affiliates and other industry allies. We’ve marched together against harmful bills and policies. We’ve celebrated new innovations and advancements in technology, fuels and low-carbon energy solutions. And we will continue to come together to support an industry that has done so much for us all and the communities we call home.
The year ahead will carry with it many of the challenges we faced this year. But with a new year also comes new hope and new motivation to continue to fight for what’s right and fair. In 2023 and beyond, we are going to continue to show up and challenge any injustice toward our industry, and always fight tirelessly for every single industry employee that contributes to the progress of our society.
I’m heading into 2023 thankful for the contributions our industry brings to people’s lives every single day, as well as for the exciting advancements our member companies are making toward a more sustainable energy future that works for everyone. But most of all, I’m thankful for the unwavering support we all have shown for one another and our industry. You all are the inspiration that keeps us going strong.